Monday, September 19, 2011

Trying to make a difference

When I was laid off from my former position at Smooth Jazz 98.1 after sixteen years I took a long hard look at my life and I asked myself some serious questions. Questions like, "Is this the end of a long career or do I give up and say thanks for the memories?"  I asked, "Did anyone really give a damn?" Almost all of the answers came up an emphatic "No, it's not over!"

First, I was reminded that it was God that put me in this career and God would take me out! Secondly, there were thousands of people, non-profit organizations and causes that still needed attention, media exposure and a way to tell their story! After all, I had been successful in bringing the Dr. Martin Luther King Breakfast for the YMCA, the Dr. Martin Luther King Parade for Alpha phi Alpha, UNCF, Saving Soles for Souls Shoe Campaign for Ugandan Orphans and more than a dozen other non-profits to radio, television and newsprint-so why stop here!

That's when I made the decision to the impossible-start my own internet radio station. Now many professionals will tell you that there is nothing impossible about starting your own station. And many of them are doing it right now.

I agree, anyone can do it and it doesn't cost a lot. However, the question should be is what will make the station I start any different than the others?

First, I would think that you (the public), would hold me to a "higher standard." Why, because I've been doing this for thirty-nine years in the city of San Diego. You've remembered all the songs that have touched your heart from shows like "Coffee & Jazz with Tayari" and "Music for Lovers."

So a new chapter began: "Building an Internet Radio Station" and for sixty days I attempted to raise funds unsuccessfully over the internet. Today, as I write I'm reminded that I may be down but I'm not out so my fundraising will continue until I succeed.

I hope that you will contact me back at and let me know that you are with me on this campaign to build a voice of excellence.

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