Thursday, March 1, 2012

Can I Get Some Help? Please!

Today I sat at lunch with a friend and he reminded me that just last week I was helping a non-profit called BAPAC, recently I was Master of Ceremonies for the UNCF; in 2011 I was Master of Ceremonies for The Trinity House "Jazz It Up for a Cause" Concert. In 2010 and 2009 I slept out on the streets of San Diego for the same organization (The Trinity House), to raise awareness of Homelessness and funds for transitional housing. I've been the Parade Announcer for the past twenty-nine years for the Dr. Martin Luther King Parade, Co-Chair of the Dr. Martin Luther King breakfast for the Jackie Robinson YMCA, and a Board Member for the past five years for the Jackie Robinson YMCA.

He went onto say that I had MC'd Halloween shows, Christmas parties, the Black Film Festival, A Soul Food Festival, stood alongside the Easter Bunny and thousands of chocolate candy jelly beans and colored eggs, and even collected "used" shoes for orphan children of Uganda! He pointed out that for all the money raised, donated airtime, energy and enthusiasm I had a lot of nice plaques, proclamations and paper on a wall!

Then he hit me with the $64,000 question. When was I finally going to do something for myself? I told him I had tried-to start my own "commercial grade" internet radio station and I had not received the response I had expected. His reply, "Nothing beats a failure but a try!" 

You know, he's right! So today I'm picking myself up off the floor and asking how many of you who read these blogs are willing take this to another level? I'm not knocking anybody else out there who is doing internet radio in San Diego-but I want to do it differently. I want to take it to another engage a community to get involved, bring concerts and plays back to town, air new Smooth Jazz, R & B, Neo-Soul, put on festivals and street fairs again, etc.

It only takes a small, yes small investment to do it right ($25,000), to produce monumental returns that travel far beyond money! I've seen and heard more than that being raised in the name of Gospel so if you believe like I believe, contact me at and let's make it happen.

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