Sunday, March 4, 2012

I've had the opportunity to meet many people over the years while in broadcasting; actors, actresses, world class performers, entrepreneurs, statesman, orators and plain everyday people. However, I wonder does anyone give any thought to what people will remember you for once you're dead and gone?

It's an interesting thought to some degree. What do you want people to remember you for? What one contribution is synonymous to you? What good can people find in uttering your name? What did you start, or end, or strive for, or fail too many times but kept getting back up to do; who will remember your help, your feedback, your comments, your criticisms, your failures, your accomplishments?

What will people say made you tick? What was your passion? And so I come to this conclusion; I've stood for many things in my lifetime; hope, faith, endurance, perseverance, belief in self, passion in purpose, and that I was my brother's keeper. At least, that's what I think when I ask myself the question! But I'd really like to know what you think. So here's the question: What do you think people will remember "Tayari" for?

You can either leave a comment here on my Blog or preferably on my Facebook site. Thanks for taking your time to read this Blog. May Peace be unto you!

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