Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thirty Deeds in Thirty Days-Day Nine

I've been reluctant in reporting my daily deeds and keeping track. However, since I received a phone call November 1, 2010, from a friend that called me while I was on the air to say that she was simply calling to say "farewell," my world hasn't really been the same. I guess the million dollar question is what would you do to save a life? What lengths would you travel, how many people would you speak to, how far would you go to raise a seemingly astronomical amount of money? Well, to date my days and nights have been consumed in trying every "trick" in the book to get the word out about my friend needing a minimum of $25,000 for a special cancer treatment with little or no response. I've even put together a fund raiser at a local chic nightclub that I Host every Sunday night. The event called "Jazz & Jokes" will include comedians and a Jazz band but at best if every ticket is sold I would have only raised $4,000. Not even a drop in the bucket! I've tried so far unsuccessfully to get my local media's attention, television news, the Union Tribune newspaper thinking that capturing the masses would give me a better chance of locating that "One in a Million" person that saw a mere $25,000 as the perfect Christmas present in regards to saving a life!

So for now I guess, "Thirty Deeds in Thirty Days" is on hold because saving a life is the "Ultimate Deed!"

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