Monday, November 1, 2010

Thirty Deeds in Thirty Days

The day went mostly as planned visiting several non-profits to lend a hand in any way that I could. But the Deed of the Day came at 7:50pm tonight while I was on the air as the Host of "The Lites Out Lounge" on Smooth Jazz 98.1 here in San Diego. I received a phone call from a dear friend who I have known for approximately twenty years. She was a community activist and helped me when I was down and out; she had also helped many starving musicians and families throughout San Diego County. She had been on a "one-woman" crusade to raise $50,000. The reason? She was dying of breast and thigh cancer and was trying to get to Houston, Texas in order to get a revolutionary new treatment that might save her life. She had insurance but it would not pay for the treatment and to date she had only raised $4,000.  My instincts told me that this would be the "Deed" of all "Deeds" if I could someway help her. I began to E mail anyone I knew in the medical, journalism or banking profession to contact me with suggestions, ideas, etc. I even attached a portion of the recorded phone call clip so that those people I sent E mails to knew that this was by no means a prank. In less than 5 minutes of sending out the E mail to ten prominent people in my rolodex I had several positive replys and requests to make contact with my friend.  Now I'm not saying that I saved a life today, but I'm saying that the solution starts with just one person helping someone else. Have you did your good deed today?

1 comment:

  1. Tayari,

    I think it is phenomenal what you are doing. I wish more of us took the time to do things for others.

    You've definitely inspired me.
