Monday, October 11, 2010

The Cause Marketing King/What's it like to be Homeless-Day 2 of the Street Chronicles

Day 2 of my "Twenty Grand Homeless Stand" found me in "the Zone!" Mentally, I felt I was prepared for anyghing the elements threw at me. I had my ear plugs, my long johns, my doo rag for my head, pillow, sleeping bag, tent and cameras for documentation. There was back up Tylenol pm, Ben Gay rub, rape whistle, pepper spray and a bottle of drinking water! After a long discussion with the security guard who was destined to stand watch over me while I slept each night and the co-founder of the non-profit that I was raising money for I decided to retire to the rhythmic roar of jetliners taking off every 5 minutes, clanging shopping carts and a new sound, that of semi trucks pulling up and dropping off products to the various stores in the shopping center. Nevertheless, "la la" land came around 2am. I probably would have made it through the rest of the night except a misty spray rudely awakened me inside my tent. I refused to squeeze out of the completely zipped sleeping bag to get up and I began to feel sorry for the security guard since I determined that it was raining outside. To my dismay, waking up for the seond time around 4:30am to a full bladder
aching to find the nearest bush it was then I determined that it had not ben raining at all-but instead my tent had been placed nearest the sprinkler system for the shrubery! So much for what homeless people go through in the course of a night to get some sleep. The day wasn't a total loss in th we had successfully raised $1,021. Less than $19,000 to go to complete the "Twenty Grand Homeless Stand." That sums up Day 2 of the Street Chronicles.

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