Thursday, October 14, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Day 5 of the Street Chronicles

Day 5, Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 11:45pm-As I stared up at the stars overhead and took a whiff of the chilled, but clean fresh air I began to think of my nice soft bed, the six or seven multi-colored pillows spread across it; the electric heater, the refrigerator with a weeks supply of kool aid and a few other amenities in it. I thought about the carpeting throughout my apartment and how I loved to come home after each shift at night, turn on Seinfield, take my shoes off, and run my bare toes through the carpet and sigh! And then I remembered why I was out on the street in the first place-to simulate the conditions of many homeless women, children and military veterans; to raise awareness of Homelessness in San Diego and to plead for help through conscious donations there at the site where I slept or online at  I began to think what if everyone who read this blog, saw my tent at the site, or heard my plee over the radio and gave just $20 one time only, how much of an impact that would be toward a minimum of 100 people off the streets of San Diego!  I was recently told that Homelessness has become a Global epidemic because people only care about such things if it affects them or a loved one indirectly. Fortunately, I'm one to believe that the rest of us here on the planet realize that "we are our brothers keepers!"

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