Monday, October 11, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Day 1 of the Street Chronicles

This past Saturday, October 9, 2010, I began an extraordinary journey; one that I actually started a year ago. It was to see, to feel, to get a taste of, and to experience what it's like to be on the streets as a Homeless person. There are already over 9,000 women, children and military veterans sleeping on the streets of San Diego and the problem has become a global epidemic. After several visits to Salvation Army feedings, periodical feedings of the Homeless during holiday seasons by various other non-profit organizations I was determined to see what it was like through my own self pilgramage.  After all, how could I speak on Homelessness, if I hadn't experienced it firsthand? My first night of sleeping out in a shopping mall that is directly located under a well-travelled flight path of Lindbergh Airport made for an interesting conversation when one is trying to go to sleep at night. Not to mention the constant banging of shopping carts from scurrying grocery clerks anxious to complete their day, stroller bys, married couples and lookie lous wondering who's in a tent sleeping in a shopping mall. Couple that with waking up in the middle of the night, having to use the bathroom and not having any rest room facilities or porta potties for miles forcing me to hold it either until daylight or a business opens. That sums up day one of the Street Chronicles which is all part of my "Twenty Grand Homeless Stand." Details on this and my experiences on Day 2 to come.

1 comment:

  1. Smiling Tayari... great work from a great heart I pray God continues to bless you what the world need now is love sweet love it's the only thing that there is just to little of....that's for showing the world some the love you show should be and peace
