Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Day 3 of the Street Chronicles

If someone had told me that during my professional career as a Radio Personality I would be sleeping outside on streets in a major city with just a tent and a sleeping blanket I would have told them they were catergorically "insane." Well Day 3 of the Street Chronicles and with roughly $1,400 raised it appears that I'm in for an uphill battle. But I plan to fight the good fight because 9,000 women, children and military veterans face this battle, every single night, day in, day out! The fact that there are not enough temporary and transitional facilities to house the Homeless in "America's Finest City" is simply not acceptable.  Since I am a firm believer that the problem begins with me I will therefore initiate the necessary steps to raise a mere $20,000 to help get some of the many families I see at various feeding centers off the streets and into facilities that offer a "loving and caring" environment, building self-esteem, securing employment and returning these individuals back into society as tax paying families. The bottom line; if it takes cold weather, rain, noisy jets roaring overhead every five minutes, clanging shopping cartes, semi trucks unloading at odd hours of the night, sprinkler systems rhythmically cutting on and off then I say-"Bring it On!"

1 comment:

  1. God Bless you Tayari!
    I will be there to help document
    "Tayari's story"
