Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Day 4 of the Street Chronicles

Day 4, Tuesday, October 12, 2010 in my "Twenty Grand Homeless Stand" has taught me the meaning of two words I've added permanently in my own testimony; "Intestinal Fortitude!" After doing my on air shift and arriving to the site where I sleep out everynight (2401 Truxton Rd., San Diego, between Starbucks Coffee and Panera Bread), I was ready for some serious sleep. So after snuggling into my sleeping bag and securing myself into my tent I was ready to once more brave the elements and drift off into "LA LA" land. However sleep never came. A contract company employee who had been hired to "power clean or blast" the mall area with water and steam began working from midnight to 5am with of all things a generator that ran continuously. So now we can add, jet noise from overhead takeoffs, clanging shopping cartes, delivery trucks, skateboarders dodging the mall cops, motorcyclists site seeing through the mall driveway, oh and let us not forget the sprinkler system that comes on periodically after midnight; now we can add a new sound, steam powerblasting with continuous generators running! Needless to say, I began to think of the real Homeless people. Those 9,000 women, children and military veterans that call the streets of San Diego their home everynight without complaint and I didn't feel so bad. I simply chalked up this revelation to "Intestinal Fortitude!"

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