Friday, October 15, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Day 6 of the Street Chronicles

Before leaving the radio station I received a very interesting phone call from a listener who said he was suffering from mental illness and that he had been homeless as well. He was somewhat angry in that he felt society was picking on Homeless people. He wanted to know what percentage of the funds I was raising would I be getting. When I told him nothing he was shocked! His reply was no one today does something for free-and I told him if I make my goal I would be getting paid in satisfaction! Later that same evening a lady called requesting a song because she had broken up with her mate. Another lady called and simply replied "thanks for playing that song it made my night." So as I left the station and headed out to sleep in my tent I began to realize my accomplishments for the day. Wrapped up in my sleeping bag, inside my tent sacrificing my body to the elements, I smiled and thanked God for another opportunity to serve others; today I had mended a broken heart, searched for and found a lost soul; touched a life and inspired one Homeless person to"not give up!"

What did you do with your day?

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