Monday, October 25, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Completion of the Street Chronicles

It's Monday, October 25, 2010. The Street Chronicles are complete and my time out on the streets has come to an end. However, I'm left with a feeling that I could have done more. All though I'm exhausted, my ego is bruised in that I didn't hit the mark of raising $20,000 for The Trinity House, I feel blessed and I thank God for the experience. I once again realize that the Homeless are human beings and each has their own unique story to tell; that we can do a better job in serving them and if we continue to ignore this problem it will only grow. I also realize that we are on this planet for a purpose and each of us are "Our brothers keepers."

As for me, my next venture as the "Cause Marketing King" of San Diego starts on November. I call it "Thirty Deeds in Thirty Days!"  I hope to service in some small way a different non-profit organization in San Diego everyday in the month of November. It doesn't matter what the project may be-whether it's washing cars to raise money, manning the phones as a receptionist, walking dogs, serving food and spending time with senior citizens, thanking military servicemen at the USO, helping the youth at a recreational facility, volunteering in anyway that would benefit a San Diego non-profit organization is the cause.

Why? Because volunteerism is the key; because helping others will give you a sense of pride like non other and lastly because "I Am My Brothers Keeper!"

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