Monday, October 18, 2010

What's it like to be Homeless-Day 10 of the Street Chronicles

Last night, Sunday, October 17, was probably the most severe night I have spent outside on the streets of San Diego. Mother Nature decided to give me a taste of what the Homeless constantly experience. It was truly the makings of a tv sitcom comedy. First, it rained in the area and once again I began to feel water on my face inside the tent and my sleeping bag. Secondly, I attempted to get up but I was unable to unzip my sleeping bag because the zipper had become snagged and both my arms were inside the bag. Fortunately for me I have a 6 foot, 300 pound security guard named "Bob" that watches over me most nights. However, this is where this story takes a wrong turn! I'm sure you get the picture of me calling out for help and this gentleman attempting to crawl into the tent as it almost topples over on the both of us. I can only hope and pray that no one took any pictures or videos of 2 and 1/2 men crawling around in a tent. Finally, I made it out of my tent to discover that Mother Nature had played another trick on me. I needed to get to a restroom facility and relieve myself post haste! However, at 1:30am no business was open and the nearest AM/PM or service station was a mile off. So you know what I did-right? The nearest bush was a quarter block away in the rain so off I ran into the wild blue yonder holding my crotch like a professional rapper!

1 comment:

  1. loool...I know for sure that will be a memorable event!!! :-)
