Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Homelessness Synopsis-The Street Chronicles

After spending fourteen days on the streets of San Diego and speaking to several Homeless veterans, I'm truly not surprised to discover the number of combat tours many have served simply because we don't have enough volunteers to fight continuing wars.

It doesn't surprise me that record numbers of soldiers are committing suicide, already 125 this year and at this pace on their way to surpass last year's all time high of 162.

It doesn't surprise me that many of the Homeless veterans I find on the streets are stressed, depressed and suffering other untold mental illnesses.

Meanwhile I watch officials sweep them from one side of the city to the other so as not to create problems for tourist, or run interference with a Padres ballgame or engage a couple leaving a downtown play and being asked for some food or money.

I noticed a woman and a young girl crawling out of a tent at 14th and J streets and another woman sleeping in a car by herself covered in blankets.

The bottomline, whatever I went through, suffered, put up with was in no comparison to what some of these people experience everyday.

1 comment:

  1. You're a brave man for taking a step out and desiring to wear someone else's shoes for two weeks. I commend you my friend! May there be many other people like you who give a voice to those who cannot speak loudly for themselves.

    Jon T.

